Sunday 25 June 2017

Flowering Plants |

Check These Fantastic Facts About the Rock Rose (Cistus)

Fact about rock rose (Cistus)

As the name suggests, Rock Rose plants are tough enough to stand cold winters, hot summers, and droughts. Buzzle presents some interesting facts about these plants and explains how easily you can enhance the beauty of your garden.

How to Care for an Esperanza Plant and Adorn Your Garden

Esperanza plant care tips

Esperanza is an ornamental plant that adorns many gardens. The beautiful and bright yellow flowers not only catch your eye, but also attract many bea utiful creatures in the garden. This makes it an appropriate plant to have in your...

List of Biennial Plants

Biennial plants

Biennials are a smaller group of plants that have a two-year growth cycle. Following is some more information about biennial plants along with their characteristics and a list of biennial vegetables and flowering plants.

Vinca Major Vs. Vinca Minor - What's the Difference?

Difference between Vinca major and Vinca minor

Vinca major and Vinca minor, the popular ornamental plants, are known for their dense glossy evergreen foliage and delicate purple-blue flowers. What's the difference between these two species? This Buzzle article provides the...

Information to Grow and Care for Torenia Plants

Torenia plant care

Torenias are low-maintenance, shade plants that are ideal for flower beds, containers as well as hanging baskets. This Buzzle article provides some information about the basics of torenia care.

How to Care for Your Lily of the Valley Plant

Tip to care for Lily of the Valley plant

If you have been waiting to cover the long stretches in your yard, or if you have been waiting to get some wonderful fragrant flowers in your garden, you should have the lily of the valley planted soon. Once you make this decision,...

Know All about the Varieties of Canna Lily

Varieties of Canna lily

If surrounding yourself with colors makes you feel happy, then canna is the right path to gain happiness. Canna lilies are among the most colorful summer bulbs. They grow in a huge variety, with flower colors ranging from vibrant...

Traditional and Medicinal Uses of Mimosa pudica

Medicinal uses of Mimosa pudica

Every part of the plant, be it the seeds, leaves, and the roots is said to have high medicinal value. The following Buzzle article elaborates more on the traditional and medicinal uses of Mimosa pudica.

Unbelievably Fascinating Facts About the Mimosa Tree

The mimosa tree, a beautiful ornamental plant with pink, soft, and silky fragrant flowers, gets its name from the Greek word 'mimos', which means 'mimic'. Find out other amazing facts about this tree in the following excerpt.

How to Harvest Petunia Seeds And Save Them for Future Use

The viability of petunia seeds makes them ideal for propagation purposes. You can harvest these seeds on your own, and use them for next year plantation. This Buzzle article provides some tips that you can follow for growing...

We'll Tell You How to Take Care of Philodendron Plants

Caring for a philodendron is all about providing the plant its favorable growth conditions. Philodendrons are however, not very difficult to grow. Find out more about these plants, and how to care for them through this Buzzle...

Methods of Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Flowering plant reproduction takes place by means of both asexual and sexual methods. The asexual method in flowering plants is simple, while the sexual method is highly complex and organized.

Here's How to Take Care of a Silver Lace Vine

Thinking of growing silver lace vine in your garden? What a lovely idea. This eager-to-grow plant works well for spaces that require additional aesthetic, like fences, brick walls, and archways. Let's take a look at how to take...

Things You Never Knew About Russian Sage Plants

Russian sage is a common garden plant appreciated for its lovely flowers and its resistance to dry conditions. Easy to grow and requiring minimal care, you can grow healthy sage in your garden as well as in containers.

Dumbfounding Facts About the Butterwort Plant

The butterwort plant is a carnivore which feeds on insects. Butterwort in the house can have a dual advantage - one keeping the house insect-free and the other adding beauty to the room it is placed in...

Easy Instructions on How to Care for Cyclamen Houseplant

The cyclamen plant is a beautiful flowering houseplant and has minimal care requirements. It is an ideal plant to start off a gardening hobby with. Here we discuss its minimal care requirements so you can see its beauty in full...

Flowering Plants Vs. Non-flowering Plants

We all know a little bit when it comes to flowering vs. non-flowering plants. Flowering plants reproduce with the help of male and female parts enclosed within the petals, while non-flowering plants Sprinkler System Installation do not have flowers at all. Read...

Heliconia Plant

Heliconia plant produces one of the most beautiful flowers in the plant kingdom. We tell you how to care for this plant.

Ajuga Ground Cover

The ajuga ground cover is one of the most beautiful choices that one can make for their gardens. The Ajuga reptans are beautiful flowers that make for excellent ground cover in gardens. Read the following article to know how to go...

Bee Balm Plant

A Bee Balm plan t can be easily recognized by its unique appearance. Here are some facts about this pretty flower.

Pink Flowering Trees class="og-img" src="" data-src="" alt="" height="91" width="137"/>

Pink flowering trees are quite a sight to behold. This article will take you through the numerous, colorful trees preferred by people for their gardens.

Petunia Care

Petunia is a flowering plant that can be grown in pot s or flower beds. Ample sunlight, well-drained soil, and proper watering will ensure multiple blooms. This write-up provides tips for growing and caring for this plant.

Purple Flowering Tree

If you are living in a drab and colorless neighborhood, then you can bring some life to it by planting some colorful flowering trees. Read this article for information about different purple flowering tree varieties in this article.

Information about Petunia Flowers

One of the most widely grown flowering plants, petunias are very popular for their bright flowers and green foliage. Here is a brief overview about petunias.

Crabapple Tree

The pink flush of flowers on your crabapple will leave you with beautiful memories to come. The following passages give more information on growing this beautiful tree.

Cassia Tree

The beautiful yellow cascade of cassia flowers will enchant you long after they fade away. This informative Buzzle article tells you all you need to know about it, and also provides tips on taking care of the plant.

Flowering Pear Tree Diseases

A flowering pear tree is a valuable landscaping tree, and is susceptible to diseases like fire blight and leaf spot. Buzzle explains the occurrence of such diseases, and also suggests some preventive measures that can be taken to...

Types of Flowering Cherry Trees

The most significant sign of the onset of spring is the cherry tree. There are many sub-species of this tree. To learn about the physical and biological characteristics of each of them, read on ...

Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant

The life cycle of a flowering plant starts with a seed. The seed germinates to produce a sapling, which matures into a plant. This plant then reproduces to form new seeds which then begin the next life cycle The following article...

Friday 16 June 2017

California water: End of the LA lawn (Opinion)

"We're so used to Southern California having these beautiful, lush lawns and palm trees and seasonal flowers," she told me by phone from Culver City, a suburb of Los Angeles, where she is general manager at a landscaping business called A Greener Tomorrow. But now, because of the drought and new water regulations, "I'm telling you, all I see is Arizona and Las Vegas."

"Who's going to be willing to pay?" she said. "You can't maintain a lawn!"

The idea of Los Angeles -- much less Bel Air and Beverly Hills -- ripping out its water-sucking lawns and oh-so-thirsty flowers is indeed a shock, especially if installing and maintaining those lawns is your livelihood. But consider the context: California is in an extreme drought. Snowpack in the state, one measure of how much water will be available this summer, is at an all-time low, at just 5% of normal. Rivers are running dry, as I found last summer on a three-week trip down the San Joaquin. With no water at the surface, farme rs are turning below the ground, pumping out groundwater at such an alarming rate that the land actually is sinking. In some places, that's happening at the truly astounding rate of almost 1 foot per year.

I see where Uribe's coming from. The 35-year-old loves the colorful, landscaped version of Los Angeles. And she fears a drab, monochromatic future -- a blah city, all dirt and rocks.

But this is a crisis. And the California lawn is a reasonable casualty.

I applaud Gov. Jerry Brown's recent push to require all cities and towns to cut their water use by 25%. To help local entities with the new mandate, the state plans to support the replacement of 50 million square feet of lawns with drought-tolerant plants (otherwise known as "cash for grass"), create a rebate system so residents will get help replacing water-hogging appliances with more efficient models, require golf courses to cut water use, and ban watering the grass found on public street medians, among other provisions.

The total savings, according to the governor's office, will be 1.5 million acre feet of water over nine months. For context, 1 million acre feet is said by environmental groups to be as much water as 2 million families would need in a year.The state's focus on lawns makes sense given that grass and other landscaping account for up to 50% of all urban water use, said Ellen Hanak, a senior fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California. "It's nice for us to have trees and landscapes, but we could do that with half of the water," she said. "It's not like it's going to mean the end of our economy or the end of our way of life."

If anything, the requirements don't go far enough.

Each year, California uses 6 million more acre feet of water "than our rivers and aquifers can sustainably provide," according to a 2014 report from the Pacific Institute an d Sprinkler System Mckinney the Natural Resources Defense Council. Those groups found 14 million acre feet of water per year could be saved if a number of changes were made to the way cities and farms operate. Among the recommendations: More-efficient farming techniques, including drip irrigation and "smart irrigation scheduling," which waters crops exactly when and where they need it.

So Brown's plan won't fix California's water woes.

But it's an important start.

Next, the state should direct its focus to farms, which consume 80% of all human-used water in California and generate only 2% of the state's gross domestic product. It's reasonable, if politically tricky, for the state to focus more attention on the industry that consumes more water than any other. California can create a water budget that allows farms, people and fish to thrive.Much water can be saved with newer technologies, without forcing farmers to give up the land they use to grow crops, said Heather Cooley, water program director at the Pacific Institute.

She praised Brown's order as "a very positive step forward."

"California is facing a drought of epic proportions, and we need to work together to reduce the use of water so there's sufficient water for cities, for farms and for ecosystems," she told me. "We need to be preparing not only for this drought but for the next one."

And that's the crux of it.

This California drought has been extreme. But in the future, as the climate continues to warm, Cooley and others say the state likely will see more hot, dry years like this.

They won't seem so abnormal, sadly.

All the more reason it's good for California to deal with its grass problem pronto.

If it's smart, it can do so without looking like the Arizona desert.

Make Money With Your Garden

This post appeared first on Make Money Your Way

This is not really something I should be giving advice on, because my garden attempt has been quite the disaster so far. I still keep hope and enjoy the idea of some day, having some fresh, organic, delicious fruits and vegetables growing in the backyard. So far, it is a bit of basil and a handful of mini potatoes. Far from the gigantic harvest I was hoping for. Anyway, if your thumb is greener than mine, you can turn your garden into a new income stream.

Sell your crop

If you have a garden, you know that all the vegetables of a kind will be ready to harvest roughly at the same date, unless you did a progressive planting from seeds. So on August 15th, here you are with 100lb of tomatoes. Enough for a year. Rather than letting it rot, put a sign by the side of the road, or even a little stand, and offer your tomatoes for sale. Don't forget to mention if they are organic. Putting the price on the sign can bring more people and help you avoid time wasters who will say it is too expensive.

For delicate fruits like berries, package them in small containers that you have already weighted to save time. You can also get cardboard cases from the market to put your bigger fruits like apples and peaches. Make bulk bags, 10 pears for $2, a tray of melons for $10...

Make a big discount on very ripe produce, better get something out of it than nothing. My grand ma often buys heavily discounted fruits to make jams, a few are bad but she does save a lot. You will get people interested in them for the right price.

Be realistic with the quantity you think you will consume yourself, freeze or can. Overestimate, and you are missing out on income. Underestimate, and you will have to buy more produce at the market for a premium, after selling yours cheaply.

Sell your plants

There is a neighbor who always has a few dozen pots in front of his house with growing plants and flowers. People stop once in a while to buy some. It is quite an informal business, if you are gifted with transplants and know how to reproduce your species, convert your passion for gardening into a source of income! If you have many plants in your nur sery, you could rent a spot from the council on market day and sell your flowers and plants there too.

Sell canned goods

One starts to can fresh vegetables to consume them over winter and avoid food waste. But if you still have too much produce, you can sell a few jars to your neighbors and community. You will need to be pretty good at it, and try a few times before you put your stock on the market. A friend makes canned tomato sauce, but says about 1 in 10 jars goes bad earlier than it should. You don't want your products to have a bad reputation from year one.

Buy the jars in bulk, or save glass jars for marmalades during the year, and price according to the weight.

Sell preserves

If you make jams and jellies, why not sell a few as well? The school fair, the town's event, the local delicatessen are great places to start and put your products.

You can try to open an online shop, that could get you a better price in states with more demand f or your products. If everyone has blueberries in a 100 mile radius, targeting out of state customers where blueberries are scarce is a smart move. But don't forget to include in your price the shipping fees and a fee for the time you'll spend going to the post office.

Swap with neighbors

Not technically a way to make money, but if you have enough tomatoes to feed four families, go around and ask your neighbors if they have a surplus in one of their harvests. Tomatoes for corn, beans for carrots, soon you will have a diversified stock of fruits and vegetables.

This works especially if you have an early or a late harvest, and your neighbors don't have that variety yet. It can help you save a lot of money on your grocery bill.


You could also exchange your crop for something you need. Considering the price of produce those days, your strawberries can get you a few hours of yard work, your plumbing fixed or your kids carpooled from school. I woul d trade one of my chickens for its price in corn, since the hens eat corn.

Even if you don't expect much in return when you bring a basket to a neighbor, he will owe you one, and you should be able to cash in the favor later.

Save on gifts

Usually, when I want to say thanks to someone, I give them something I bought, a bottle of wine, a box of chocolates... and it isn't cheap. Put a nice bow over your can of homemade gooseberry jelly, and you have a thoughtful gift that cost you pennies but doesn't look cheap.

Same thing for Christmas, a food basket with your homegrown products is a fantastic gift because it is personal, and people will eat it, so you aren't cluttering their house with stuff they don't need.

The church is asking for food donations? give part of your crop or your jars, instead of money or store bought products.

You can save h undreds per year by keeping a bit of your jars for gifting.

For more money making ideas, visit Make Money Your Way.

Wake up to the day's most important news.

Thursday 15 June 2017

Home builders beating back fire sprinkler laws

HARTFORD, Conn. - Nearly three dozen states have rejected the idea of requiring sprinkler systems in homes by enacting legislation or rules that prohibit mandatory installation.

Home builders, still reeling from the recession, say requiring sprinklers would add to their costs. They have found allies in state legislatures and rule-making bodies that have turned aside arguments by fire safety officials that requiring sprinklers in homes save lives.

The National Association of Home Builders has not taken a position on state action banning mandatory fire sprinklers in homes, said program manager Steve Orlowski, but the group has argued that installing residential sprinklers should be up to homeowners.

Either through legislation or code, 34 states have prohibited Sprinkler System Installation mandatory residential fire sprinklers, Orlowski said. Only two states -- California and Maryland -- have adopted codes r equiring installation of home sprinklers, he said.

In other states, sprinkler legislation died or is pending until next year, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Connecticut, for example, is deferring action until next year. A measure requiring automatic fire extinguishing systems in one- and two-family homes failed to make it to a vote in the Public Safety and Security Committee.

Sen. Anthony Guglielmo, the committee's ranking Republican senator, said legislators did not have enough information about the cost to builders and municipalities that would enforce the law. Legislators will take up the issue next year only after hearing the recommendations of officials and others brought together by the state Department of Public Safety, he said.

The International Code Council, an organization of building inspectors, fire officials and others who set building standards, recommended in 2009 that states and municipalities adopt codes requi ring sprinkler systems in homes and townhouses less than three stories high. The regulations took effect Jan. 1.

The National Fire Protection Association has said sprinklers will particularly help young children, the elderly and the disabled by giving them time to escape burning homes.

Opponents of requiring sprinklers cite their cost -- and subsequent impact on Sprinkler System home prices -- and voters' dissatisfaction with government mandates.

In Missouri, lawmakers extended for eight years rules that require builders to offer sprinklers but do not mandate them.

"Our main concern, in this housing market, is that the requirement for mandatory fire sprinklers could cost $7,000 to $15,000 per home," said Missouri state Sen. Eric Schmitt, Republican chairman of the Jobs, Economic Development and enix-3 Local Government Committee. "In this market, it's very difficult to justify."

In New Hampshire, Gov. John Lynch tried to vetoed legislation that prohibited local planning boards from requiring sprinkler systems in homes as a condition of approval for local permits. The decision about whether to require fire sprinklers should remain a local one, Lynch said.

Legislators overrode the veto.

Sen. John S. Barnes, Republican chairman of the Public Municipal Affairs Committee, said the override vote was not easy because he typically favors local control. But he does not believe any government body should be ordering homeowners to install fire sprinklers.

"If I buy or build a house, I think I should decide whether I put in a sprinkler system," he said.

John A. Viniello, president of the National Fire Sprinkler Association, said the process by which codes are approved is flawed. Codes regulating wiring, construction and other facets of home constr uction are informed by expert advice from industry and others, he said.

But when legislatures have a role in the process, codes too often are modified or scuttled, he said.

"Once the politicians get involved, it's over," he said. ting-back-fire-sprinkler-laws.html

Monday 12 June 2017

New NYC law, San Francisco lawsuit highlight global risks for Airbnb| Reuters

By Heather Somerville and Tina Bellon


SAN FRANCISCO/BERLIN Airbnb, the online lodging service that investors now believe is worth $30 billion, faces a reckoning.

In eight yearsof torrid growth, the company has often clashed with local public officials seeking to minimize the impact of short-term rentals on neighborhoods and urban housing markets. Now, those simmering tensions are starting to boil.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Friday signed legislation that Airbnb says could seriously damage its business in New York City, the company's largest U.S. market; the company immediately filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking to overturn the law. The German capital of Berlin recently passed a law banning most short-term rentals, and Barcelona and Amsterdam are imposing steep fines for listings that violate laws there.

Airbnb is also engaged in a pitched battle in its home of San Francisco, where the company has also sued to bl ock a new requirement that it reject booking fees from property owners who have not registered with the city.

The New York and San Francisco legal fights are a crucial test of Airbnb's business model. The company argues it cannot legally be held responsible for how landlords use its platform. If it is required to enforce local laws on short-term rentals, that could drastically reduce listings - and revenue - in some of its biggest markets.

Other cities looking to rein in Airbnb are watching the San Francisco proceedings and looking to the city's law as a potential model, said James Emery, deputy city attorney of San Francisco.

"Throughout the country, people representing cities have called me to ask what's going on with the litigation," he said.

Airbnb's legal argument in both the San Francisco and New York cases rely on a 20-year-old statute designed to protect free speech online, known as Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. In the San Francisco lawsuit, the company asserts that the city "impermissibly treats Airbnb as the publisher or speaker of third-party content" when it is merely a platform for communications between property owners and guests.

Other online marketplaces - such as Amazon (AMZN.O), eBay (EBAY.O), and Craigslist - have cited the same law to shield themselves from liability for any improper transactions among users of their services.

In San Francisco , U.S. District Judge James Donato said at an Oct. 6 hearing he wasn't "seeing the link" between free speech protections Best Attorney College Station and San Francisco's short-term rental regulations. Donato is expected to issue a ruling soon.

Airbnb has also sued the Southern California city of Anaheim, home to the Disneyland theme park, and the nearby beach city of Santa Monica, over regulations that the company contends are illegal.


Airbnb takes a cut of the revenue when a room or a home is booked and charges a service fee to guests. The company says it helps communities by enabling middle-class families to make extra money.

It also points to agreements with officials in nearly 200 locales around the world, mostly for tax collection and in some cases for broader short-term rental regulation.

Critics counter that, in popular tourist destinations, Airbnb takes affordable housing off the market, drives up home prices and disrupts neighborhoods with streams of transient visitors.

As regulatory threats loom, Airbnbon Wednesdayannounced it would create an online registration system for property owners and automate the enforcement of Airbnb's existing rules in New York and San Francisco, w hich limit operators to a single listing of an entire Best Attorney residence.

New York Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, sponsor of the New York legislation, was unimpressed by Airbnb's announcement.

"It's preposterous. Maybe half their listings are illegal" in New York City, she said. "It's part-and-parcel of the business model."

Existing New York state law bars most urban apartment-dwellers from renting out their units for less than 30 days if they are not present.

The law signed by Cuomo on Friday bars even advertising a rental that violates that existing law, which could help regulators crack down on Airbnb itself in addition to the users of its service. In its court challenge, Airbnb said the statute penalizes the company over content posted by users, which is prohibited by federal law.

Airbnb has also said it has taken down nearly 3,000 illegal listings in New York City over the past ye ar, and reports 44,622 total listings in the city as of Sept. 1.


In Berlin, Airbnb is fighting a city demand that it turn over information to help enforce a new law imposing fines of up $110,000 on people renting out more than 50 percent of their homes for less than two months - among the strictest regulations worldwide.

Airbnb is "confident it would find a favorable agreement" with the city," said Peter Huntingford, Airbnb head of public affairs for Europe.

But with the city intent on collecting data and Airbnb inten t on refusing, another legal battle looms.

"If Airbnb intends to risk a trial, we are prepared to walk down that path," said Martin Pallgen, a Berlin Senate spokesman.

In Barcelona, Airbnb's third-largest market in Europe, the city is imposing fines that exceed $65,000 for listings without proper licenses. Amsterdam city officials in April started scraping data from Airbnb and other short-term rental websites to root out illegal hosts because Airbnb will not turn over details on violators.

In itsWednesdayannouncement, Airbnb put forward what the company's head of global policy and public affairs, Chris Lehane, called a "comprehensive regulatory strategy" targeted at "rooting out bad actors."

But the new proposals stopped short of any commitments to share information or enforce bans on short-term rental operators, which many cities say is crucial for effective regulation.


Critics contend that a large portion of Airbnb listings ar e offered by commercial operators with multiple properties who are essentially running illegal hotels. The company, they argue, has effectively turned many residential neighborhoods into tourist zones.

In Los Angeles, a study by the pro-labor Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy found that property owners with two or more listings generated 44 percent of all Airbnb revenue in Los Angeles.

Airbnb, in a statement, disputed that conclusion and called the group's analysis "misleading."

In New York City, the state Attorney General found that, between 2010 and 2014, more than 300,000 Airbnb reservations violated the law, representing about $304 million in booking revenue, with about $40 million of that going to Airbnb.

Public officials need to prioritize the rights of full-time residents over landlords and visitors, said Rosenthal, the New York Assemblywoman.

"I represent New Yorkers," she said. "I don't represent tourists, and my responsibility is no t to protect their cheap deal at the expense of New Yorkers."

(Reporting by Heather Somerville in San Fancisco and Tina Bellon in Berlin. Additional reporting by Dan Levine; editing by Jonathan Weber and Brian Thevenot)